Personal Autonomy: Your Ability to Be Independent

Recently, many discussions have been focused on how to reach a level of personal freedom in your life that helps you achieve your life goals. Being independent and practicing personal autonomy has its advantages. You answer predominantly to yourself and your own priorities.
This approach encourages you to become self-aware while taking in the big picture. You’re not just focused purely on your needs, but you recognize that you are part of a thriving community, with certain responsibilities, privileges, and freedoms.
Interested in finding out how your personal autonomy can strengthen your ability to become independent? Then, keep reading!

What Is Personal Autonomy?
There are several ways to describe personal autonomy, from being free to follow your heart to having a sense of determination and self-endorsement. Yet, the simplest explanation is that personal autonomy is your ability to act on your interests and in keeping with your core values.

Developing the drive to keep you on track makes it easier to live on your own terms. This means living according to your desires and personal beliefs rather than being coerced into conforming to someone else’s beliefs.
At the same time, personal autonomy requires a high degree of responsibility. You must make informed decisions and learn how to back them up and take ownership of things when anything goes wrong. This ownership of your failures is critical.

Autonomy also means that you’re able to manage yourself and take initiative when needed. It’s all about getting things done consistently without needing anyone to remind you.

How Can Personal Autonomy Strengthen Your Ability to Be Independent?
Let’s look at some ways it can help boost your independence.

Have Initiative
Having personal autonomy means trying new things. They don’t have to be big things; they can even be trying that new coffee spot you’ve been eyeing for a couple of weeks.
After starting, set your goals to conquer larger tasks. For example, you can avoid procrastination. Get a head start on work such as a presentation earlier in the week to avoid having to deal with that dreaded deadline looming.
You could also show initiative by taking on additional tasks at work or home. At home why not take up a DIY project you’ve been wanting to try out? How about volunteering several hours a week at a local shelter or soup kitchen? Maybe doing a bit of research on projects or hobbies that nurture your passion or the meaning of your life.

Get Organized
Being organized doesn’t just mean tidying up your workspace, picking scattered documents off the floor, or alphabetizing your bookshelf. But it’s not enough for personal autonomy.
To become independent, you need to learn how to organize and manage your time and money. Luckily, dozens of life-saving apps or approaches can help you do just that. The Pomodoro Technique is a fantastic way to organize time and become more productive.
Block scheduling can help. Start by writing down all the things you do during a typical workday. Then, expand it to a whole week and eventually to an entire month. Don’t forget to account for how long each task or activity takes. Also, remember to include any chores, errands, appointments, or sports events going on during that time. Now try to create blocks to allow allocate time to required tasks and you only work on that task during the assigned block. This creates order and organization in an otherwise scattered day.
An independent person is capable of efficiently mapping out their schedule. They’ll also be able to remove or postpone certain tasks if things get too hectic.

Be Responsible
We also talk about being responsible, but what does it truly mean?
Basically, responsibility is knowing what you must do, getting it done on time, and taking credit for your hard work. You’re dependable, you honor your commitments, and keep your word no matter what.
That’s the cheerful side of responsibility. You’ll know you’ve made it when you feel that you’re on top of your game and everyone is singing your praises.
It’s not always easy! This is truest when you must muster up the courage to hold yourself accountable instead of coming up with excuses or blaming others when things don’t go as planned. Let’s be honest here, sometimes that can be easier said than done.
As soon as you admit that you were wrong about something, or that you failed to meet a certain deadline, you’ll instantly feel better. By doing so, you’ll be able to move toward, learning from failure, fixing what needs to be fixed, and creating massive success.

At Twin Lights, we understand the challenges of achieving work-life balance in today’s world. Our evidence-based education, mentoring programs and coaching are designed to help individuals and companies achieve their highest potential, build resilience, and enhance their mental wellness. Contact us today at 732-379-7050 or visit our website to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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